Wooster performed well in the field, bringing two birds to Michael's hand. At the water, which Michael said was so clear he could see Wooster paddling under the surface, Wooster had a beautiful entry with no hesitation. Unfortunately, his delivery lacked a certain something.... The judges ended up passing him at the WD level nonetheless, although the "X" did elude him. They'll get it next time!
We didn't have any dogs entered in the weekend's hunt tests, but FRFSC thoughtfully provided Michael's first judging assignment. Saturday, he judged the Junior & Senior levels. Sunday, he judged the Master level. He seemed to have a great time both days.
I enjoyed watching the test, mostly from the top of the hill. It was fun to see so many rare spaniels entered this weekend (in fact, at Friday's WD test, most of the entries were rare spaniels!). I believe there were 5 Clumbers entered, out of a total of 35 entries, several Field spaniels and 2 or more Boykin spaniels. So it was fun to see the different hunting styles in the Field. I also enjoyed the chance to talk to several people that I don't see often.
One of the best things about the weekend is that I had a chance to get pictures of Gibson with his dad, Bogey. Check out Gibson's page to see the family picture!
Speaking of photos, anyone interested in seeing TONS of great photos of the event should check out Otto's gallery! As usual, Otto did a great job documenting the event. I believe in this case, some of the photos are also courtesy of Kylie Hirschy and/or FRFSC.