Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Recent Events and Random Holiday Thoughts

Thought I'd finally post a small brag from the Rosemont shows, 2 weekends ago in mid-December, where Watson was BOB on Sunday. We had a good time - winning at least one day does make the weekend more fun (even when the entry is small, as here)! I think Watson had a good time except for one thing - the booster baths at the show site had just about the iciest, coldest water I've ever felt. He was not a happy camper at bath time!! We also stocked up on his newest fashion accessory - bibs! Knocking on wood here, I think he may finally be past the stage where he looks at bibs as our thoughtful way of attaching the chew toy to him. Hope springs eternal....

While I've been lazy about posting lately, time has marched on and the holidays are upon us again. I had been feeling a bit scroogy, as I always do, about spending time getting ready for the holiday. Last night we finally got the tree up and, again as usual, that really started to get me in the holiday spirit. I hung up some of the cards we've gotten - mostly with photos of peoples' dogs and children. We also wrapped some presents! We could've spent the night cleaning in anticipation of the arrival of family, but I obviously needed some Christmas cheer, and wrapping is a whole lot more fun than cleaning! Guess that means we will be cleaning tonight...

We got a smaller tree this year and raised it off the floor on a table. (Actually, we used our nifty adjustable-height grooming table - covered with a sheet so it doesn't look so much like a grooming table. One we get the tree skirt on, no one will know the difference.) We're hoping this will make it less interesting to the dogs. I don't think Wooster would bother a tree on the floor, but Watson might decide to mark it as "his" and Gibson would probably attempt to drag it around as he does with any illicit object (random shoes, clothing, boxes, etc.) when he is looking for extra attention! Since this would result in a smelly house and/or broken ornaments, we are trying something different. It looks good, even though we haven't put lights or ornaments on yet.

I also broke down and bought stockings for the dogs. Well, Becki had sent one for Gibson (he likes it so much, he tried to eat it...several times!), then I felt bad the other dogs didn't have them. (Usually, we are at the folks' and they improvise stockings for the dogs.) Anyway, I bought a couple at Lands' End at a good price since they are monogrammed catalog returns. I "simply" removed the monogramming (well, it took several hours of painstaking ripping to get the machine embroidery out even though I picked the ones with the shortest names!!) and - voila! - new stockings for the Clumbers. They don't have names on, but I figure it is unlikely the dogs will notice. Now to keep Gibson from eating these as well...

Michael is home today, hopefully relaxing but getting a few things done, as well. All the folks & my bro arrive tomorrow for a whirlwind Christmas Eve (dinner, church, dessert and decorating - not necessarily in that order - all after 6 pm). The rest of the weekend should be more relaxing (at least for me), although I do have plans for much cooking and baking while the family is here - nothing says love like LOTS of homemade goodies at Christmas time, right?

With all the snow here in South Central Wisconsin, there's no chance we won't have a white Christmas - we just have to hope Santa can find our house through a possible white-out! Hope everyone else has a wonderful, safe and warm holiday, too!

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