Thursday, November 20, 2008

Our Weekend at the FRFSC Specialty

Last weekend was the BIG weekend for the Fox River Field Spaniel Club specialty show in Schiller Park, IL.  We went down early on Saturday morning, after I got the special thrill of re-bathing Gibson after he decided to take a "field" trip into our now half-frozen very mucky pond (Michael drained it for the winter, so it has a tiny bit of water mixed with some rotting leaves...makes a lovely perfume for the inquisitive canine).

We arrived in time for Gibson to get primped for the sweepstakes.  Gibson got to learn more about ear wraps.  With so many dogs to get ready, there was a lot to do, but "Team Calico" (mainly Becki, Kylie, Grace and Aireanna) got all the dogs ready in good order.  Making his sweepstakes debut, Gibson took BOS in the puppy sweeps!!  Way to go Kylie & Gibson!

No points were in the cards for Baby Gibson last weekend, but we did enjoy watching Obie and Beep take WD (on successive days).  I showed Beep in Breed on Sunday after his WD win, and I really had a great time and appreciated the opportunity for some more ring experience!   I also particularly enjoyed seeing owner-handlers win BISS on both days.  Way to go ladies!!

Many of the participants also obtained legs in obedience and rally, with several new titles achieved!  Team Calico, I believe, had 2 HITs and several other ribbons.  Congratulations to them and to all of the performance exhibitors who found success last weekend!

I had a great time petting the dogs and meeting new people.  I also enjoyed watching the show, although I have decided there is more nail biting involved in waiting outside the ring while my dog is being shown than in actually showing him myself.  I've also learned that I focus harder showing someone else's dog than my own - a problem I'll no doubt have to work long and hard to correct!

I did manage to take a few candid shots of the Field Spaniels and their people (well, most of the photos, oddly, seem to involve Gibson).  You can check them out on my Facebook gallery.  Enjoy!

We'll be showing again in a couple of weeks - need to get started grooming those ears and toenails.  There is also a puppy match, so Gibson & I may be making our "team" debut in the ring!  I'll let you know how it goes...