Monday, March 30, 2009

Fairgrounds in the Rain

Enjoyed the shows in Iowa this weekend - despite driving sleet on Saturday afternoon.

Note to the show committee: think about a different venue! We were at a fairgrounds. Grooming was in a different building than the ring. Poor Michael had to carry Watson, a featherweight at 70+ lbs., between buildings all weekend to avoid muddying that white coat after he was groomed! (Me = recovering from pulled muscle in back; yes, I think I injured it lifting/carrying dogs last week.) Once the sleet started Saturday afternoon, and continuing as it warmed/melted off on Sunday, the dirt driveways in the fairground turned to slushy mud puddles! At least the ring was on a concrete floor.

Note to the operator of the Motel 6 in DeWitt, Iowa: we understand you just took the place over and are in the process of making improvements. I hope new pillows and bed linens top your list!!

Thanks to Laura for presenting Watson so beautifully this weekend and for all the extra grooming help due to my aforementioned back issue.

We also had a (mostly) successful experiment with letting puppy (a/k/a Gibson) sleep loose/uncrated on Saturday night. The wee hours of Friday found him once again guarding the truck, and I was not about to venture outside in the weather on Saturday night, so we puppy-proofed the room as best we could and hoped for the best, knowing he'd at least be quiet if he wasn't crated. I think he "buzzed" Wooster's crate at least once, resulting in a loud scolding from the "big dog," and he must have gotten in a sleeping Watson's face once, too, from the sound of things. He also periodically woke us by leaping on and off the bed (and on and off of us), but my sleep-fogged brain was more tolerant of this behavior than of constant whining, so we were ahead of the game. Now if we can just puppy-proof the bedroom at home!

Am experience technical difficulties with my camera and so only got a few photos of the show. Will post them if any turn out.

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